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Upper Cumberland Special Education Cooperative

Assistive Technology Lending Library

Here are some devices and materials we have available for LOAN from our newly created and stocked library. Please contact Carla Jordan at cjordan@knox.k12.ky.us or telephone her at 606 546 3157 for check out information.

COMMUNICATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Object-Picture Talk Board
This device allows students to work from the concrete object level to the abstract picture level. The kit consists of 17 corresponding picture cards showing items commonly used in daily living: watch, toilet, TV, telephone, food and more.

Deluxe Talk Board
Impact resistant white talkboard with carrying handle 10 5/8"x16"x7/8". Apply pictures, words and letters to both sides. Can als be used with objects. Write on it with Vis-a-vis pen. Pictures not included.

Key Chain Talker
A single message device with eight seconds of quality recording time. This device enhances communication among family, friends and teachers. It easily attaches to a backpack or belt.

Step Pad
This device works like a tape recorder--only better!! It is ideal for recording step-by-step instructions. It has a total of 72 seconds of recording time and is practical for up to a fifteen-step sequence or a complete shopping list. It includes a removable slide-on pocket clip.

Quick Start Communication Kit
Developed for trainers this device is great for anyone introducing voice output to your students. The kit includes:
BIGmack Communication Aide
One-Step Communicator
Step-by-Step Communicator with levels
3 Snap Switch Caps
Making Connections (A Practical Guide for Bringing the World of Voice Output Communication to Students with Severe Disabilities)

TalkTrac Wearable Communicator
A "watch-type" device worn on the wrist with room for up to four recorded messages. It is easy to record and easy to use. It allows students to make requests and express a choice. It contains 75 seconds of message space. TalkTrak overlays are now available on Boardmaker.

Portable Hip Talk Communicator
This device plays a message when you push one of its buttons. You can record and re-record messages as often as you like. Four messages (five seconds per message) are available and it comes in a soft, nylon zippered pack with a wrist strap. It features large recessed switch plates on top for easy access by even the most profoundly physically challenged user.

6 Level Communicator (with jacks)
This device is ideal for teaching language skills. Simply slide interchangeable picture cards behind the switch plate, the touch one of the six 2-inch squares to activate a message. A switch on the back of the unit allows you to select the set of pre-recorded messages for each card. Messages can be recorded and re-recorded as often as you wish.

8- Message Cheap Talk
Cheap Talk is a user-friendly teaching tool that is great for providing communication an cognitive support, as well as enhancing and developing expressive and receptive language skills. PLUS, it is great for early speech development and remedial work with older students. It allows you to record and re-record eight messages as often as you would like or need to do so. Each square has an easy-to-remove plastic cover to hold words and pictures. It can be activated by pressing one of the eight squares or by plugging external switches into the eight jacks on the rear of the device.

Clock Communicator (Specially Designed for the Visually Impaired)
This device is ideal for children or adults with impaired vision. The affordable clock communicator has 8 good-sized compartments to hold items. When the switch is activated, the clock hands move to the desired pictures, words, or objects affixed to the clockface. Customize the communication by using as few or as many objects as you would like. There is single or double-switch capability available. The clock speed is easily adjustable. It works with any of our capability switches. The unit accepts both 1/4" or 1/8" inch plugs.

Five Compartment Communication Board
This device is perfect for teaching language skills such as classification, sequencing, function, opposites, and comparatives. You use them by placing objects, pictures or words in each of the compartments. Then, by pressing down on the corresponding colored switch plate in front of each compartment, a sound is produced when a choice is made expressing the want or need. Each switch produces a different tone when pressed.

PowerLink 3 Control Unit
This unit can be used with almost anything: electric drills, sanders, mixers, staplers and much more!! It is durable, flexible and portable. It also meets rigorous safety standards. Your students will be able to use it at any age and in any setting. It provides you with all the benefits of four modes of control.

AirLink Cordless Switch
This is great for office jobs where the student might need to be farther away from the task at hand. It provides cordless flexibility from up to 20 feet away!! It uses a corder switch by adding the special cord provided---TWO SWITCHES IN ONE. It is comfortable and the angled base makes successful activations easier for students of all abilities.


Quick and Easy Curriculum (Curriculum Activities for the Nonverbal Child

Coaching Winners (A Way to Work Program)

Breakthroughs (How to Teach Students with Autism)

Asperger Syndrome (Living Outside the Bell Curve)

The Out-of-Sync Child (Sensory Intergration Issues)


The Out-of-Sync Child (Sensory Integration Issues)

Toilet Training (for Individuals with Autism and Related Disorders)

Fun for Everyone (A Guide to Adapted Leisure Activities for Children with Disabilities)

Visual Strategies for Improving Communication (Practical Supports for Home and School)

Solving Behavior Problems in Autism

Classrooms that Work (They Can All Read and Write)

Asperger Syndrome and Sensory Issues (Practical Solutions for Making Sense of the World)

SenseAbilities (Understanding Sensory Integration)

Recipies for Success Volumes 1 and 2

Teaching Activities for Autistic Children


Grip and Puff
3x5 Plate
Tilt Switch Kit
Ultimate Switch
Adjustable Pinch Switch
Button Click Switch
Petite Pillow Switch.

This is a sturdy, full-sized 3-button trackball. KidTrac is a plug and play trackball which adjusts for right hand or left hand use and includes a drag lock that lets you drag and drop without holding a button down. Included with the KidTrac Trackball is software which features screen wrap, a cursor locating tool and cursor visibility tool.

Solidly built with removeable finger covers and recessed function buttons. The joystick is 3 inches in length and the trackballs are similar in size and weight to a billiard ball. All units are direct mouse replacements with separate buttons for click and drag. A flashing red light indicates when the drag feature is in use. The units offer 5 different speed settings with the touch of a button.